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12. The Wilderness School
Summary: Salvation is not good news to those who are addicted to the status quo. God is in partnership with the outcasts and marginalized. God has “big ears” to hear the cry of the marginalized. God works behind enemy lines using the daughter of Pharaoh. We, like Moses, carry the identity of both oppressed and oppressor within us. Moses becomes a murderer but God calls him anyway – God believes all people can change. God uses people that society would never choose. God wants to come through Moses to the Hebrew people. Moses invites Pharaoh to change but he refuses. The consequences impact the environment and ultimately impact us – our corruption corrupts the earth. You can’t move from the land of oppression to the land of promise without having to go through the wilderness in between. Is the number 40 a symbol of new birth? God is birthing a new people in the 40 years in the wilderness. You have to un-learn the Egyptian way. The first lesson is to learn to share – God has provided enough and we need to be sure everyone has enough – the opposite of the Egyptian way. For society to flourish, you must share.