Manna and Mercy

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39. Journey Through Acts - I

Summary: At the beginning of Acts the disciples are instructed to stay in Jerusalem, their place of struggle and failure; that’s where the Holy Spirit of God’s love comes to wash over them. The apostles’ first action is to pray together; it is through prayer that we experience the washing of God’s love over us. Some in their community were given the gift of tongues – particularly those who were frightened and powerless. Others were given the ears to hear. A “Pentecost community” is one where power dynamics are transformed: the powerless are given tongues to speak truth, and the powerful are given ears to hear.  South Africa experienced such a Pentecost moment during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, when those who were oppressed were given tongues to speak, and the powerful and privileged were forced to listen. How is your church Pentecostal?

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